DOCOMOMO New Zealand
DOCOMOMO New Zealand was initiated in 1999 and was incorporated in 2004. Click here for our Constitution.
DOCOMOMO New Zealand has a national committee comprising a chair, a registers coordinator, an administrator (secretary and treasurer), and two or more other members representing regional interests. The current committee is:
- Chair: Julia Gatley. For contact details, see
- Secretary and Treasurer: Cara Francesco
- Registers Coordinator: Ann McEwan
- Regional Representative – Auckland: Robin Byron
- Regional Representative – Waikato/Bay of Plenty: Elise Caddigan
- Regional Representative – Western: Cara Francesco
- Regional Representative – Wellington: Deborah Cranko
- Regional Representative – Canterbury: Jessica Halliday
- Regional Representative – Southern: David Murray
Annual membership runs from July to June and is available for $20 per annum. DOCOMOMO NZ membership form 2024-25. Payment should be made by electronic transfer, with your name clearly identified and an email sent to the secretary/treasurer with your contact details.
Members meet at least annually. The 2023 AGM was held on 21 November. Details for the 2024 AGM are TBC.