Open Chch 2023 a Knock-out Success

Date: 26.06.23   Categories: Uncategorized   Posted By: JMG

DOCOMOMO NZ has proudly supported Open Chch over the last three years and was particularly happy to support the May 2023 event when a number of modern buildings were included on the programme and open to the public, among them Miles Warren’s Dorset Street Flats, and Warren and Mahoney’s Schneideman House and RC Webb Flats. It was a rare opportunity to see inside each of these important 1950s and 60s buildings, along with other gems including Peter Beaven’s St Mary’s Apartments of 1999. All congratulations to Jessica Halliday and the team at Te Putahi on a terrific event. They are already planning the next one, for 3-5 May 2024. For more information, see

Warren and Mahoney, RC Webb Flats. Photo by Julia Gatley.

Warren and Mahoney, RC Webb Flats. Photo by Julia Gatley.